Course curriculum

A comprehensive course on cognitive stimulation therapy

  • 1

    Welcome to the Cognitive Coach Course

    • What to Expect During the Course

  • 2

    Section One: Taking A Coach Approach

    • 1.0 Introduction: Taking A Coach Approach - Being Human

    • 1.1 Philosophy, Principles and Roles (Notes)

    • Module 1.1 Philosophy, Principles and Roles

    • 1.2 The Coach Approach [Notes]

    • Module 1.2 The Coach Approach

    • 1.3 Behaviour Challenges [Notes]

    • Module 1.3 Behaviour Challenges

    • 1.4 Group Facilitation [Notes]

    • Module 1.4 Group Facilitation

    • Section One Quiz

    • Live Zoom Meeting - Scheduled for Saturday March 2nd, 2019 at 12 Noon EST

    • Webinar Recording of Zoom Meeting on March 2nd

  • 3

    Section Two: The Role of Science

    • 2.0 Introduction to the Role of Science

    • 2.1 Understanding the Science [Notes]

    • 2.1 Understanding the Brain

    • 2.2 Research on Aging [Notes]

    • 2.2 Research on Aging

    • 2.3 The Science of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy [Notes]

    • 2.3 The Science of Cognitive Stimulation

    • 2.4 Sleep Hygiene

    • Section Two Quiz

    • 2.4 Sleep Hygiene

    • Live Zoom Meeting Scheduled for Saturday March 9th at 12 Noon EST

    • Webinar Recording of Live Zoom Meeting on March 9th

  • 4

    Section Three: The Fit Minds® Program

    • 3.1 Overview and Warm-up [Notes]

    • 3.1 Overview and Warm-up [Presentation]

    • 3.2 Language and Music [Notes]

    • 3.2 Language and Music [Presentation]

    • 3.3 Visual/Spatial Orientation [Notes]

    • 3.3 Visual/Spatial Orientation [Presentation]

    • 3.4 Memory [Notes]

    • 3.4 Memory [Presentation]

    • 3.5 Critical Thinking [Notes]

    • 3.5 Critical Thinking [Presentation]

    • 3.6 Computation [ Notes]

    • 3.6 Computation [Presentation]

    • 3.7 Wrap-up Ritual [Notes]

    • 3.7 Wrap-up Ritual [Presentation]

    • 3.8 Assessing the Sessions [Notes]

    • 3.8 Assessing the Session [Presentation]

    • Section Three Quiz

  • 5

    Section Four: Living a Healthy Lifestyle

    • 4.0 Living a Healthy Lifestyle [Notes]

    • Living A Healthy Lifestyle [Presentation]

    • Section Four Quiz

    • Live Zoom Meeting Saturday March 16th, 2019 at 12 Noon EST

  • 6

    Section Five: The Role of Assessments

    • 5.0 Introduction to The Role of Assessments

    • 5.1 Behaviour Assessments and Case Study

    • 5.1 Behaviour Assessments

    • 5.2 Caregiver Stress Handouts and Case Study

    • 5.2 Caregiver Stress

    • 5.3 Cognitive Assessment Handouts and Case Study

    • 5.4 Quality of Life Assessment

    • Section Five Quiz

    • Live Zoom Meeting for Saturday March 23rd, 2019 - 12 Noon EDT

    • Video of Live Zoom Meeting (Modules 3 and 4)

  • 7

    Final Assessment

    • Final Assessment

    • Deliver a CST Session

    • Final Assignment Report and Survey

  • 8

    Program Webinars

    • Live Training Recorded - Module One

    • Live Training Recorded - Module Two

    • Live Training Recorded - Module Three and Four

    • Live Training Recorded - Module Five and Summary